Summary of The Fire Sermon in The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot

Introduction to the Poem: 

The title of the third section has been borrowed from the sermon of Lord Buddha wherein he said that the world is on fire, “burning with fire of hatred, with the fire of infatuation, with birth, old age and death, sorrow, lamentation and misery, grief and despair”. All these are on fire . One can conquer lust by suffering and pain, by passing through the fire. But Eliot has employed the title to focus our attention on modern man's sexual depravity.

Summary of The Fire Sermon in The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot


Lust and rape are responsible for corruption and decay of modern society. This kind of degeneration prevails in all classes of society - the upper class, middle class and lower class. The poet prays to God to save the modern world from spiritual decay and death.

Summary of the Third Section of the Poem: 

The main theme of this section of Waste Land is the passion and sensuousness in human nature which are the sources of misery and suffering. Here Tiresias stands on the banks of the river Thames and comes here after leaving the restaurant. It is a winter night and because of being winter, the leaves of tree have gone dead and brown. The wind has brought some of the leaves to the bank of river. On seeing the leafless tree, Tiresias says that there is no shade of tree under which men and women used to sit in summer night. But now in winter, winds blow strongly and toss the bank trees. The bank of river is empty. Only dry dead leaves are lying there. The leaves have taken the place of empty bottles. Cigarette wrappers which are littered during summer nights cannot be seen now. The river flows gently. The atmosphere around river is mixed with music of the winter winds.


On one winter evening when Tiresias was fishing round in dull canal, he remembered the sin which was committed by fisher - king and that brought his ruin. He noticed that a rat crept softly in the grass. He also noticed that the two naked bodies of man and woman were having sexual intercourse with each other on a low damp ground and he was shocked on seeing their future. The man and woman who were copulating were mere skeletons in a low dry room of age but soon he returned to present. He heard the sounds of horns and motor - engines which were running here and there on the road. He saw that one of motors was taking a man of low morals to a prostitute. Then he saw from his prophetic vision that Mrs. Porter her daughter were sitting in moonlit night. He also saw the two prostitutes who were washing their feet with soda water in a manner which could excite their customers sexually and in this way they could earn more. Tiresias at this point remembered the French poet Verlaine's lines “And those, children's voices singing in the dome” of Cathedral which signified that, the sexuality must be negative for modern man. Soon Tiresias heard the song of Philomel turned into a nightingale. Her pathetic story is presented as a case of barbarous rape.

Soon Tiresias heard the song of Philomel turned into a nightingale. Her pathetic story presented as a case of barbarous rape. Soon Tiresias mind got diverted to the unnatural behaviour of the people of unreal city and remembered his meeting with Mr. Eugenides who was a merchant from Smyrna and whom he met on foggy noon and the man invited him to take lunch with him at Cannon Street Hotel and an invitation to spend a weekend at the Metropole Hotel. This man was homosexualist and the two hotels for which he had given invitation were resorts for homosexual men and they took money for sexual intercourse with them. After that his divine vision fell on a typist girl who, after finishing her office work, came back to her flat, rested and prepared meal and ate it. As soon as she finished her meal, a young red faced man came to her. He was a house agent clerk. He touched her body and took her in his arms and kissed, as she did not resist, he made sexual intercourse with her. She made no attempt to defend herself. When he went back, she stood up and looked in the mirror and smoothed her hair and put a record on the record player as if nothing happened to her.


The music of the gramophone reminded Tiresias of the music which he had heard in the boats on the river Thames. He had also heard such music while walking along the Strand and the Queen Victoria Street. He also remembered to have heard this music coming from a public bar in Lower Thames, the music mixed with the pleasant note of a mandoline or a clatter of refreshment plates, or the chatter of the people , reaching his ears from a lounge - bar in which fishermen lounge at noon. Tiresias also heard this music near the Church called Magnus Martyr whose walls were inexplicably splendid being characterized by white and golden mosaic work. Tiresias felt sorry that the city of London had fallen prey to sexuality. Then Tiresias heard the songs sung by the three daughters of the Thames.


The first song was that the river had become dirty with oil and tar. But earlier the barges used to sail on it, alongwith the moving tide or towards the ice, with red sails puffed up by the blowing wind. The barges used to swing and swerve on the heavy logs. These barges used to clear the river water when they sailed over it. Now these logs of wood while drifting down reached Greenwich and went past the isle of Dogs or the river bank opposite Greenwich. Then, the third daughter expresses her disgust at the pollution of Thames by uttering the words ' Weialala leia, Wallala leialala”.

Continuing the song the third daughter told that Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Leicester were often seen sailing over the river. The outer framework of their barge was overlaid with gold. Its hind as well as forepart had red and gold form. The brisk movement of the barge marked with ripples the river water touching both the banks. The south - west wind carried it down stream to the south - east bank where they could hear the sound of evening bells coming from the Church of St. Peter marked with white Tower of London. Then, one of the daughters again began to lament by expressing her sorrow in these words: “Weialala leia, Wallala leialala.”


The calm of the river banks was broken by the noise of the trams and their beauty was being spoilt by dusty trees. The first daughter says that she was born in Highbury and was seducted in Richmond. She had lost her chastity in a boat moored by Richmond bank. She was seducted to lay flat on her back and was forced to raise her knees so to ease her sedactor to copulate with her. The second Thames daughter said that she was seducted at Moorgate and she wept after being seducted and her lover also wept and promised that now he would start a new and fresh life but he never fulfilled his promise. She did not blame anyone for it but blamed herself for its ruin.


Now the third daughter says that she was raped on Margate Sands. Being poor, she was of little value. Her chastity was as worthless as cut - off finger nails of dirty hands. The members of her family were poor people who expected nothing from her.


Tiresias was shocked on hearing their stories and said the people of this waste land are burning in the fire of sexuality and immortality and this is the reason why it is Waste Land.